Consultancy Opportunity: Website and Content Consultant Required | She Decides


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Consultancy Opportunity: Website and Content Consultant Required

22nd May 2024

Read the Full Job Description here. Commencement date: June 2024 Anticipated completion date: July 2024 SheDecides in looking for a contractor to manage and update the Champion pages of the SheDecides website. The SheDecides website includes information on all of the SheDecides Champions – who they are, what they focus on, and how they are proud to be part of the movement. Working closely with the Senior Advisor on Partnership Engagement & Management, and the Senior Communications Advisor, the consultant will need to update all of the Champion web pages that are needed to ensure consistency across the site.  
Contractor’s specific roles and responsibilities:
  • Updating of the Champion landing page, ensuring consistency in how different types of Champions appear and are named
  • Updating of URLs to ensure consistency in how different Champions are named
  • Updating of individual Champion pages, following the information provided by the Support Unit
  • Compilation of an updated database of all Champion social media profiles, to ease tagging
How to apply: To apply, please submit the following:
    • CV
    • An example of websites worked on/updated in the past
    • References for past clients for whom the consultant(s) have carried out similar work
    • Fees/daily rate
    • Availability
Please send the application to Muriel Kahane, Senior Advisor on Partnership Engagement & Management ( with Champion Website Updates – your name as the subject line. Closing Date: 21st June 2024 Read the Full Terms of Reference here.