Driving Change
As a diverse global movement of leaders and experts, SheDecides drives progress for bodily autonomy and sexual and reproductive health and rights for all. The SheDecides movement is a catalyst for collective action. We speak out against opposition and the rollback of rights. And we mobilize global political and financial support for bodily autonomy. Read about our impact Read SheDecides Annual Report 2023 Read SheDecides Annual Report 2022
SheDecides theory of change

Our Vision For The Next 5 Years.
Our vision for 2022-2027 is to counter opposition and contribute to advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights and bodily autonomy by convening and strengthening coordinated political action and amplifying the collective voices of our movement members and allies.- Intentionally challenging opposition
- Meaningfully including young people
- Practicing our intersectional feminist values
Download our Strategy here
Goal 1
Solidarity and collective strength is built amongst movement members so that they are able to advance bodily autonomy and SRHR and strategically counter opposition.
Goal 2
Connections between movement members and allies are built and strengthened so that bodily autonomy and SRHR gain broader support.
Goal 3
Political coordination among movement members and allies has increased so that global advocacy around bodily autonomy and SRHR is more impactful.
Goal 4
Global accountability is supported so that political and financial commitments around bodily autonomy and SRHR are advanced.
Goal 5
SheDecides movement members’ voice and action is strengthened and amplified through public facing communications, so that bodily autonomy and SRHR gain broader support.
Goal 6
Creative media, content and partnership opportunities are created so that movement members and allies can speak out to new, broad global audiences and counter opposition.