Born in 1994? Become one of the 25×25!
14th December 2018
Many young leaders of today are doing great work to create that world where SheDecides. In 2019, SheDecides will provide a platform and focus to celebrate the work of 25 young leaders from 25 different countries around the world, who are taking action to create that world where SheDecides. Throughout 2019 we will foreground the stories about the inspiring work that they do, beginning in Nepal on 2 March – global SheDecides Day.
In September 1994, the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) was held in Cairo. The Program of Action that was adopted heralded a policy approach based on the reproductive health and rights of women and men. Though there has been progress, the work on the Cairo Agenda is by no means done.
As a global political movement SheDecides strives to galvanize energy for sustained support of this positive change – fuelled by community action, with young people at its heart. In 2019, SheDecides will provide a platform and focus to celebrate your work, and to make visible the impacts of the ICPD agenda, showing the world what future you want to bring about.
We are looking for 25 young leaders from 25 different countries around the world, all born in 1994, who are taking action to create that world where SheDecides. Throughout 2019 there will be on-line and off-line opportunities to foreground stories about the inspiring work that you do.
If you are selected your involvement will begin on global SheDecides Day, 2 March 2019, when you will join the other 24 young leaders in a summit in Kathmandu, Nepal, and conclude during the Summit in Nairobi, Kenya that UNFPA will organise in November.
As a member of the 25 you must be:
- Born in 1994
- An articulate spokesperson
- Passionate about SheDecides causes, and/or familiar with the ICPD agenda
- Taking action at country level on a key issue related to the SheDecides manifesto (e.g. abortion, FGM/C, HIV, Contraception etc.)
- Available to travel to the flagship event in Nepal in early March, engage in activities throughout 2019 and participate in the Nairobi Summit in November
- An established presence on social media

Sound like you? Applicants will need to:
Submit an audio or video file, no longer than two minutes, to outlining why you should be one of the 25. This should include:
- Background
- Relevant experience
- Areas of interest
- Ambitions
- Knowledge of related organisations and campaigning groups
Also submit a max. 600-word piece to on an area of the SheDecides manifesto which you would focus on as one of the 25. That would address:
- Why that particular area (whether it’s abortion, CSE, HIV or FGM/C) is urgent to you and your region
- How you plan to advance its cause throughout 2019
Deadline: Monday 14 January 2019 (end of working day).