August 22, 2023
Check out the latest developments and stories from the movement, where we celebrate the bold and push others to be brave. If you've got a story to share - get in touch by email, Twitter or Facebook.
Abortion Is Healthcare: SheDecides hosts Women Deliver Concurrent Session
July 27, 2023
Last week SheDecides, in partnership with the Global Safe Abortion Dialogue, hosted a concurrent session at Women Deliver 2023. The session, titled “Abortion is Healthcare: UHC Best Practices, from Politics to Provision” explored best practices, progress and innovations on delivering abortion as essential healthcare.
Joining The Dots: Why Abortion Care Is Part Of The Picture When It Comes To Universal Health Coverage
July 27, 2023
Authored by Sonali Silva, SheDecides Guiding Group Co-Chair.
With the target of achieving the SDGs just a few years away, many are looking at how Universal Health Coverage (UHC) can help achieve global goals on gender equality and health. Isn't it time we prioritize abortion care as an essential part of women and young people’s health and human rights? Guiding Group Co-Chair Sonali Silva explores.
SheDecides @ Women Deliver
July 3, 2023
SheDecides is excited to attend Women Deliver 2023 in Kigali this July. The moment presents an opportunity to come together, connect with allies and speak out for bodily autonomy and for a world all people can decide what to do with their bodies, lives and futures.
New SheDecides Champions Announced
June 29, 2023
We are delighted to welcome four new SheDecides Champions to the movement, each committing to taking action so women and girls everywhere can decide about their bodies, lives and future. Read more about them here.
In the news! Global support for Comprehensive Sexuality Education
June 5, 2023
14 Ministers from 10 countries plus 40 leading health & gender equality experts from across the world sign joint SheDecides statement on CSE and its vital role in building a gender equal world for all.
Read the Aljazeera article here
SheDecides supports high level comprehensive sexuality education roundtable event
January 13, 2023
Facilitating collaborations and dialogue on CSE with Champions, allies and leading experts from Rwanda, Canada, Namibia, Norway, Sweden, South Africa and Argentina.
New consultancy opportunity: Monitoring and Evaluation Workshop Facilitator, Nov-Dec 2022
October 20, 2022
A contractor with expertise in monitoring and evaluation is required to support the SheDecides Youth Accountability Panel
Ministers join in support of collective action for global abortion rights alongside UNGA.
October 5, 2022
Government Ministers, Heads of Institutions and UN agencies are gathering on the sidelines of UNGA to rise up for abortion rights.
September 27, 2022
Authored by Shruti Arora, this blog was written for and first published on
Government leaders, it’s time: speak out for the right to decide
September 13, 2022
By Lindiwe Zulu, Minister for Social Development, South Africa and Meryame Kitir, Minister for Development Cooperation and Major Cities Policy, Belgium.
Youth are capable and YOUTH CAN!
August 11, 2022
Young people are essential to holding governments, CSOs and movements accountable for SRHR actions and commitments to be effectively achieved for the youth population.