
Check out the latest developments and stories from the movement, where we celebrate the bold and push others to be brave. If you've got a story to share - get in touch by email, Twitter or Facebook.

Reaffirming Our Resolve to Uphold Global Reproductive Rights

May 20, 2022

Julia Bunting: As President of the Population Council—a US-based nonprofit committed to ensuring people have the information, services and supplies to advance their sexual and reproductive health and rights — I am proud to join my fellow SheDecides champions in Brussels. Together, we will celebrate the victories of the past five years, redouble our efforts in the face of emerging attacks on bodily autonomy, and set our priorities for the next five years.

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Sweden: when SheDecides, everybody benefits

April 28, 2022

Matilda Ernkrans, Minister for International Development Cooperation, Sweden - and new SheDecides Champion - explains why SRHR is essential, how Sweden is advancing SRHR worldwide, and what others can do to support.
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Call for Collaborative Action on GBV!

December 10, 2021

In an event to mark the 16 Days of Activism, youth activists from IPPF ESEAOR, SheDecides and FRIDA Fund came together to demand collaborative action to end Gender-Based Violence in the Asia Pacific region.
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