The 25x25 Generation of Equality

Asia page 1

Scroll down to learn who each of these inspiring young leaders are.

Edwin Thomas


Edwin is a Project Coordinator for a family planning research grant at the Center on Gender Equity & Health – University of California San Diego.

In this role Edwin is working with government affiliated partners to truly unlock the gender transformative potential of family planning programmes in India, so that at its heart sits reproductive agency, autonomy & empowerment.

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SheDecides India
SheDecides Malaysia

Fara Rom


Fara is an abortion rights advocate and creative media activist, currently working with ARROW.

Fara became a peer educator in 2017, and at the same time observed a distinct lack of digital creative content discussing sexual and reproductive health, and the right to decide.

To remedy this, she decided to create For Youth Initiative Kuala Lumpur (FYIKL).

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Ivy Cheung

Hong Kong SAR China

Ivy is a staunch believer in the right to sexuality education and information, and sees it as central in empowering young people to make informed decisions about their bodies and life.

Based in Hong Kong, she has worked with a number of organisations focused on the subject, notably the 24 Hour Race and UNFPA.

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SheDecides Hong Kong
SheDecides Japan

Kazuko Fukuda


Kazuko is an ardent activist for women’s sexual and reproductive rights in Japan.

In 2018 she started a women’s rights advocacy movement called #Nandenaino, which means “Why don’t we have?”. In what she describes as a male dominant society, a women’s right to decide about her body has always been treated as a taboo.

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