Abortion rights for everyone,

Access to safe legal abortion care is a human right. No one should be forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term; and no person should die due to unsafe abortion, pregnancy or childbirth.

In today's political climate, it’s more important than ever to stand united in support of abortion rights and maintain pressure on the political agenda to keep abortion rights a priority.

Our network and Champions push for progressive change and work to de-stigmatise abortion by changing laws and policies, fostering inclusive dialogue and public education and services, without shame.


SheDecides host concurrent session at Women Deliver: Abortion is Healthcare

The panel event explored best practices, progress and innovations on delivering abortion as essential healthcare and as part of Universal Health Coverage.

Campaigning for safe abortion in West Africa

SheDecides works with Champions and allies to promote safe abortion in the Francophone region.

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Rise up for abortion rights International Safe Abortion Day Campaign 2022

During tough times, we have to keep rising up, speaking out and taking action until every person, everywhere has the right to make their own decisions about their body, life and future.

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Statement from the SheDecides movement: Roe v Wade

The United States Supreme Court decision to reverse Roe v Wade and roll back 50 years of safe abortion access and care is a catastrophic blow that will impact the lives of millions of women and girls.

With 26 states likely to ban abortion over the coming weeks, access to abortion services will be severely restricted.

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Relevant blogs

Joining The Dots: Why Abortion Care Is Part Of The Picture When It Comes To Universal Health Coverage

27th July 2023

Authored by Sonali Silva, SheDecides Guiding Group Co-Chair.

With the target of achieving the SDGs just a few years away, many are looking at how Universal Health Coverage (UHC) can help achieve global goals on gender equality and health. Isn't it time we prioritize abortion care as an essential part of women and young people’s health and human rights? Guiding Group Co-Chair Sonali Silva explores.

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Ministers join in support of collective action for global abortion rights alongside UNGA.

5th October 2022

Government Ministers, Heads of Institutions and UN agencies are gathering on the sidelines of UNGA to rise up for abortion rights. 

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27th September 2022

Authored by Shruti Arora, this blog was written for and first published on GenderIT.org. 

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Champions working on abortion


Anu Kumar, President and Chief Executive Officer

Patrick Mwesigye

Founder and Executive Director, Uganda Youth and Adolescents Health Forum (UYAHF)